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    finding_gandhi's Avatar
    finding_gandhi Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 27, 2008, 11:34 AM
    Unknown Title & Author; Romance
    I've been trying to find the title of a Romance novel that I had read when I was younger, but I can not remember the name of the Author or the title of the book! So I was hoping that someone would know or be able to help me.
    I believe the book is a Harlequin Romance novel, but I'm not exactly sure. I also believe that the cover is red with a Blonde haired male holding an Auburn haired female wearing a red dress. The female is supposed to marry a man that she has never met and does not want to marry. She is kidnapped by the Blonde haired male for ransom & they fall in love. In the end she finds out that the male who kidnapped her is the unknown man that she was supposed to marry, & that her father & the man set up the kidnapping so she would fall in love with him & marry him.
    I hope that someone will know the title or would be able to help me find out!

    Thank you.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
    Jobs & Parenting Expert

    Sep 27, 2008, 11:46 AM

    Unfortunately, you are not going to be able to find this particular title. That storyline has been done over and over again with a variety of characters. It's a standard romance storyline. Plus, Harlequin/Silhouette romances have a short shelf life. A friend of mine is under contract with them to write at least six a year. Multiply that by all their romance authors under contract, and you will end up with a truckload of hardcover books in a year's time. Romance paperbacks will fill several trucks.

    The best and probably only way to find this book is to go to public libraries and look through their romance shelves or racks. If this book is a paperback, your chances of finding it are slim indeed.

    WG, a librarian

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