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    bookworm08's Avatar
    bookworm08 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 9, 2009, 11:52 PM
    Looking for scotish historical romance book with "Forever" in the title
    The book was written in the 90s I want to find it again but can't its starts with a girl traveling in her coach with a servant and its raining and there is a accident and the driver,and servant are killed and the girl is seriously injured a man comes along and finds her and takes her to his cabin and nurses her back to health this man turns out to be an injured laird who went to his cabin to heal but ends up nursing the girl the guy and girl start to fall in love and then the girl finds out who he is and is a little frightened because he is known throughout the land for his abilities mainly killing men. If I could have help finding this book I would appreciate it.
    Couchcarrot's Avatar
    Couchcarrot Posts: 590, Reputation: 41
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    Jan 10, 2009, 12:16 AM
    Romance Books - Love Me Forever by J.Lindsey

    Romance Books: Love Me Forever - J.Lindsey, passionate gaze, scottish laird
    Book Angel's Avatar
    Book Angel Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 18, 2010, 03:46 PM
    I read a time travel romance book, probably in the 1990's. I cannot remember the title or the author. A woman goes back in time, either regency or colonial. I do think I remember the servants of the house spoke with a cockney accent. The man of the house is bitter and he has a child or children. Anyway, the woman who goes back in time, sleeps with the master of the house and wins him over. At the end of the book it is revealed that she had switched places with his wife. The wife had been mean to everyone in the house, including the man and his child. I have searched for this book for the past several years and can not find it.
    Does this sound familiar to you?

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