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    nasra's Avatar
    nasra Posts: 54, Reputation: 7
    Junior Member

    Aug 8, 2006, 04:33 PM
    A friend of mine wants to write a children's book
    :) Hi Guys,

    A friend of mine wants to write a children's book. She has a great imagination. And she has the characters in her head. She believes that kids would really love her characters. I am giving her all the confidence she needs like " you can pull it off, and you can do it". But realistically guys what do you think is it hard to get into the book writing world. Even if the public did like the characters. What steps or hurdles does my friend need to cross. Thanks guys:)
    Moonbay's Avatar
    Moonbay Posts: 54, Reputation: 4
    Junior Member

    Nov 8, 2006, 09:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by nasra
    :) Hi Guys,

    A friend of mine wants to write a childrens book. She has a great imagination. And she has the characters in her head. She believes that kids would really love her characters. I am giving her all the confidence she needs like " you can pull it off, and you can do it". But realistically guys what do you think is it hard to get into the book writing world. Even if the public did like the characters. What steps or hurdles does my friend need to cross. thanx guys:)
    First step is for her to find a publisher.
    Nicolai1692's Avatar
    Nicolai1692 Posts: 11, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Nov 9, 2006, 07:38 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbay
    First step is for her to find a publisher.
    I'd guess the step before that would be to produce a manuscript even if it's only gone through a few drafts.

    To Nasra, have you seen her writing or is her book more in the brainstorming stage?
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
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    Nov 9, 2006, 08:14 AM
    Well, its actually become a lot easier. Especially if she wants to write a series of books.

    The first step is create an outline of the story with descriptions of the characters. Maybe flesh out a chapter or two to show the quality of her prose.

    The second step would be to send the outline to publishers and literary agents to see if there is any interest in their publishing the book or representing her.

    However, if she get rejections, don't let that discourage her. The next step is self publish. Create a WEB site for the books. Use the outline to create pages of each of the characters, give a plot synopsis and sample chapters. Offer an electronic version of the book. Depending on how much money she wants to invest she can get a self publisher to run off a run of copies. Send them to libraries, schools and book reviewers.

    If she plans on a series of books, give the first one away on the WEB site as a free download. The idea being to build a following.

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