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    mathias42's Avatar
    mathias42 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 20, 2006, 06:38 PM
    80's Children's book Weekly reader
    I am looking for an old children's book I owned. It's about a girl whose best friend is a boy- for about the first chapter. They like playing Monopoly all day in the house when it's rainy. But over the summer he goes off, I think to camp, and starts to make other friends. Other boys. She is left feeling alone. As the book goes on she becomes friends with a girl everyone thinks is a little strange. The girl has long hair that is always combed down covering her face. A small part near her eye allows her to see and no one can remember what her face looks like. It ends up that she is covering up freckles -and no this book is not freckle juice.

    My parents had me enrolled in a Weekly Reader book club. I was signed up to receive two books every month I think, and through this service. I got such classics as KLUTZ, My side of the Mountian, The Comeback Dog and THe Hot and Cold Summer. This book is a contemporary, and probably came through that book club.
    lisar822's Avatar
    lisar822 Posts: 2, Reputation: 2
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    Aug 5, 2008, 09:40 AM
    Hi - from your description - I believe that the book you are looking for is entitled:
    "Your Former Friend, Matthew." I read it when I was a kid and I believe they have copies of the title through Amazon. Hope I was able to help! :)
    mathias42's Avatar
    mathias42 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 18, 2008, 01:23 PM
    I saw the reply a day after it was posted but wanted to wait until a copy arrived before commenting.


    Let me just say, I have been looking for this book for four years... heck, the question sat up here for almost two, so I am thrilled to have it.

    I was a little skeptical at first. The name dosen't sound familiar, and the jacket image didn't ring a bell either (not in the blurry Amazon pics anyhow) but the description was dead on. THe book arrived today and the illustrations immediately were recognizable. There is so much I had forgotten about this book too! I'm delighted to be reading it again. THANK YOU!
    lisar822's Avatar
    lisar822 Posts: 2, Reputation: 2
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    Aug 27, 2008, 07:41 AM
    Hi there! I'm glad that I was able to help you out :) I know how it is when you're trying to wrack your brain and nudge your memory for the title of a book! Lol I'm not bad at remembering little things. I'm the first one to set off on a Google search when an old book title eludes me. You mentioned that the current cover is different - I actually remember the old cover - it was a picture of the two friends with their backs against each other, she was holding a book and he was holding a bat, as if ready to hit a ball. There were also pictures inside the older print. If you ever need any help with another title, you know where to find me! Enjoy the book - it was one of the best :) They don't make 'em like they used to :)

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