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Trying to find picture of a Pink Bow Tattoo
[ 1 Answers ]
does anybody know where a can find a nice picture of a pink bow tattoo like jordans or jessica albas. any help would b appreciated! Thanks x x x
Wanted! Skull tattoo with pink bow
[ 28 Answers ]
Hi I seen a picture of a skull TATTOO with a pink bow on its head and I want to get it, but I forgot which site it was on I was wonering if anyone sees a pic like this could they post the address to this thread.. thanks xxx:D
Dragon tattoo
[ 3 Answers ]
I am looking for a picture of a dragon tattoo for my arm. I want the dragon tail to start at my wrist and the dragon to wrap itself around my arm 2-3 times with it's head on my shoulder to cover a poorly done tattoo on my shoulder. Anyone have any idea of where I can find such a picture? I have...
Bow tattoo
[ 5 Answers ]
Hi everyone!! :) I need a picture with a bow tattoo, I seen one on nicole richie's neck and I loved it. But I don't want the exact copy of it so maybe someone has something like that!? Here is the picture of nicole's tattoo
Chinese tattoo
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi, a friend of mine wants to tattoo chinese letters saying "only best is good enough". Does anyone knows how is that written in chinese? Thanks. View more questions Search