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Wanted! Skull tattoo with pink bow
[ 28 Answers ]
Hi I seen a picture of a skull TATTOO with a pink bow on its head and I want to get it, but I forgot which site it was on I was wonering if anyone sees a pic like this could they post the address to this thread.. thanks xxx:D
My picture from my camera has lines through it and a red or pink tint to the picture
[ 1 Answers ]
When I take a picture from my camera it shows up with lines through it and blurry and it has a red or pink tint to the picture. But when I focus on what I want to take the picture of it looks fine until I go back to look at the picture.
Can anyone tell me were to find a picture of katie price's tattoo on her wrist
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Can anyone tell me were to find a picture of katie price's tattoo on her xxx
Looking for a pink bow Tattoo
[ 1 Answers ]
Hi Can anyone help me, I'm looking for a pink bow Tattoo, to go at the top of my back, id like to find one like Jordans got on the base o fher back, but not having much luck finding one, can anyone point me in the right direction to finding my pink bow. Many Thanks:o
Wanted! Pink Bow Tattoo
[ 1 Answers ]
Hey all... I am after a cute pink bow/ribbon tattoo like the one on nicole richies neck and jordans lower back... something the same but different if that makes sense... I've looked everywhere1 I need your help Please! View more questions Search