Junior Member
Aug 13, 2006, 03:32 AM
Tongue Piercing
I just thoguth aobut tongue piercing and began imagining how mad it would be. Having a piece of metal in your mouth. I want to get one of these when I'm older, because its pretty easy to hide, and doesn't make you seem like a punk or anything (unlike eyebrow studs or anything.
Can people tell me the adv and disadv from experience?
Id like to know a few questions like these:
Can you taste the metal in your mouth?
Does it hurt when you eat something salty?
Does it hurt when you pierce it at all?
If so, for how long after?
Does it really make it hard to speak?
What criticism do you get from it? Do people say your showing off, or are emo or anything?
Junior Member
Aug 16, 2006, 10:52 PM
It will be annoying for a while but you get used to it
It will hurt for a week or two when you eat anything but after that it should be fine
It will hurt a bit its not that bad
At first it will be hard to talk cause you will have to get used to it
If you really want it get it done don't worry about other peoples attitudes its for you to like not them..
Good luck
Junior Member
Aug 17, 2006, 02:20 AM
Well, I just like the idea of having some metal in your mouth, so like when your bored you can fiddle with it a bit. Just don't like the disadv that come with it. Thanks a lot!
New Member
Sep 12, 2006, 03:09 AM
It will hurt the firt week... and during that period it will be very to eat, when I had mine done I was forced to live with soup for a whole week!
New Member
Oct 20, 2006, 07:26 AM
I have had mine done 2 times and the pain is not as bad as you would think mine hurt for 2 days but after the swelling went down it was fine it takes a while to get used to it but I have had mine done for about a year now and I can't feel it at all and it has in no way changed my speech or how people see me they don't even know it is there
New Member
Nov 5, 2006, 12:24 AM
I too have had my tongue pierced twice. I took it out the first time because I thought I was too old for it and then I ended up missing it. The swelling goes away after a few days, well at least for me it did. You end up growing attached to it. It sounds crazy, but I believe it to be true. I ended up chipping part of a tooth when I was eating. I've accidentally swallowed my tongue ring when I was eating because it had become loose, one of the balls wasn't screwed/clicked in. (No I didn't look for it when it passed. LOL) I say go for it. I loved it. One tip. If you are going to give fellatio, make sure you change the longer tongue ring that you're pierced with to a shorter one so as to not cause pain. I, ahem, heard it hurts? *cough*
Junior Member
Nov 10, 2006, 08:30 AM
I have my tongue pierced twice and am an apprentice in a tattoo shop for piercing hope fully i can help you...
Can you taste the metal in your mouth? No you can't taste the metal in your mouth i mean at first it feels weird but you get used to it
Does it hurt when you eat something salty? When you first get your tonuge pierced your not supposed to eat anything salty until it is healed but that doesn't stop people. It doesn't hurt, but you have to wash your mouth out with mouthwash after you put anything into your mouth
Does it hurt when you pierce it at all? You feel a pinch when the needle goes through... thats it...
If so, for how long after? About a week depends on how fast you heal
Does it really make it hard to speak? I have two of them and i talk fine some people don't even realize that i have my tongue pierced at all let alone 2 times... and after the swelling of the tongue goes down you talk ok... that is if it even swells at all
What criticism do you get from it? Do people say your showing off, or are emo or anything? no... and who cares what people think
Junior Member
Nov 20, 2006, 05:42 PM
The only potential downside is that you can chip teeth or bridgework, so a $20 piercing can cost you $300 in dental repairs...
Junior Member
Nov 21, 2006, 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Zipper
The only potential downside is that you can chip teeth or bridgework, so a $20 piercing can cost you $300 in dental repairs...
I have had my tongue pierced since I was 18 and no I have two tongue rings in my tongue and I just went to see my dentist and my teeth are perfect I think that that only depends on how much you play with it...
New Member
Apr 12, 2007, 09:14 PM
o OK here's how it goes I got my tongue pierced it didn't hurt at all I can only eat puddin and that's most likely going to be that way until I change it because the piercing stud is too big for my mouth and I can't chew it don't hurt now and no you can't taste the metal:p
Junior Member
Apr 13, 2007, 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by ashleyandjenn302
o ok heres how it goes i jus got my tongue pierced it didnt hurt at all i can only eat puddin and thats most likely gunna b dat way until i change it because the piercing stud is too big for my mouth and i can't chew it dont hurt now and no u can't taste the metal:p
Well, that doesn't sound too cool to me! Only puddings and you can't chew? Jeez!
New Member
Apr 22, 2007, 03:33 PM
OK 1 I doesn't not hurt it hurts like an earing
2 you can eat things with salt your suppose to wash it out with salt water 24/7
3 itan easy place for parents not to notice
Oh and you can't taste the metal.
Junior Member
Apr 24, 2007, 09:33 AM
"3 itan easy place for parents not to notice"
Oh, yeah well that's a good way to get them on your side...
Going behind your parent's back with piercings or tats will
Only backfire and cause endless grief.
New Member
Sep 12, 2007, 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by cheechthecheechy
I just thoguth aobut tongue piercing and began imagining how mad it would be. Having a piece of metal in your mouth. I wanna get one of these when im older, cos its pretty easy to hide, and doesnt amke u seem like a punk or anything (unlike eyebrow studs or anything.
Can people tell me the adv and disadv from experience?
Id like to know a few questions like these:
Can you taste the metal in your mouth?
Does it hurt when you eat something salty?
Does it hurt when u pierce it at all?
If so, for how long after?
Does it really make it hard to speak?
What criticism do you get from it? Do poeple say ur showing off, or are emo or anything?
No u can't taste the metal at all
For the first week you can't eat any solids, you should stick to things like soup, ice cream and shepards pie as its smooth, when the swelling goes down you can't as you wish.
I didn't feel it when I got mine pierced, and believe me IM TERRIFIED of needles lol, but id say getting your ears pierced are worse, it doesn't hurt at al!
Ur tongue swells up though the day after but doesn't hurt one bit and its not nippy at all, its just funny to speak, but easy to understand. It only takes a week for the swelling to go down, just keep suckin ice, but I never and I was fine.
I have had no critism at all. People like it, I think its ace, and I love playing with it.
Ull be fine hope that helps :D
New Member
Jun 25, 2008, 09:46 PM
I peirced my own tongue in my bathroom when I was 15 years old, and I've had it about a year now, and I still love it! No, u can't taste the metal, but for the first week it is very swollen and it is hard toeat anything!(luckily I had a free supply of smoothies that week)!LOL but yeah I still love it, and it gets people 's attention and it looks badass, yet still not like a punk or anything. Some morning my tongue swells up a lot because I chew on it sometimes at night, but I bought a slightly bigger barbell which fixed everything! Now if you're a teenage girl and u want it pierced... well lets just say don't be to surprised if people think of you as a slut! Srry, but I see it all the time. But if you want to do it go for it, it really not that painful, I pierced my tongue, ears, nose, nipples, eyebrow, lip, and belly button 4 times, and out of all of those, my nipples hurt the most, and the tongue was the least painful next to the earlobes...
New Member
Oct 14, 2008, 07:17 PM
I got mine done four days ago, and I'll answer your questions from my personal experience... But remember: piercings are different with everybody! Tongue piercings and the healing process all depend on a few things: location of the piercing, how well you take care of it, and how your body heals.
-No, you can't taste metal in your mouth. Its stainless steel, it doesn't have a taste lol. Just like the spoon you eat with at dinner time doesn't taste.
-I actually found out today that it does hurt when you eat a something a little salty [mcdonalds french fries =P ] but I just took a sip of coke and washed it away. No problem.
-When I got it pierced, there was a little sting and my eyes watered a little. Probably from my nervousness. But I felt a little pinch, then it was over. Nothing to it.
-It's been four days, almost five, and mine is still a LITTLE swollen. Not even noticeably. I'm taking excellent care of it too. Some people say that I wasn't going to be able to eat whole foods for a week or so, but I ate five pieces of pizza the day after I got it done, and mexican food the night of the piercing...
-Nobody's even noticed my piercing unless I've actually shown them.. So NO it doesn't affect my speech at all. Although, now that the swelling is going down, I can sense a slight lisp when I say my S's, due to the extra long bar it was pierced with, but no one else notices it.
-Everyone at school loves my piercing! All through the day people ask me all kinds of questions, just like the ones you asked... and to be quite honest, people call me a freak [in the good way ;) ] now that I've got my tongue pierced. Guys think its cool =]
New Member
Oct 22, 2008, 01:47 PM
I just got my tongue done today and it honestly did not hurt as much as I thought it would. I got my lebre done today also and it hurt a lot worse than my tongue did. It hurt at first but I'm getting use to it.
New Member
Nov 1, 2008, 07:19 AM
Well I had my tongue pierced since last February and I'm 14. When you get it they use the metal buh no you don't taste it. Buh take my advice when you get home put ice on it so the swelling goes down if there even is any. I had my tongue pierced twice. Once by my friend which was reeally not smart. And the second by a professional I also have my belly button pierced. Buh after you eat use mouth wash because the food might get in your hole. If you smoke use mouthwash after that also. I at soup for a good week and a half. Don't play with it too much because you might tear the hole and that's not fun. When it heals use the plastic balls because you don't want to chip your teeth [you may chip your teeth with the plastic buh I don't think that is possible. Me I like using the metal ones. But that's just me. Good luck [:
New Member
Nov 1, 2008, 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by zakk wheeler
i peirced my own tongue in my bathroom when i was 15 years old, and ive had it about a year now, and i still love it!! no, u can't taste the metal, but for the first week it is very swollen and it is hard toeat anything!(luckily i had a free supply of smoothies that week)!LOL but yeah i still love it, and it gets people 's attention and it looks badass, yet still not like a punk or anything. some morning my tongue swells up alot becasue i chew on it sometimes at night, but i bought a slightly bigger barbell which fixed everything! now if your a teenage girl and u want it pierced..... well lets just say dont be to surprised if people think of u as a slut! srry, but i see it all the time. but if u want to do it go for it, it really not that painful, i pierced my tongue, ears, nose, nipples, eyebrow, lip, and belly button 4 times, and outta all of those, my nipples hurt the most, and the tongue was the least painful next to the earlobes...
Not to me mean . But are you a male because if you pierced your belly button that's kind of queer buh amazing [: I keep telling my male friends they should pierce theirs but theyyell at me and . Lmao buh yeah just wondering
New Member
Nov 6, 2008, 06:46 AM
I reccently got mine pierced about 2 weeks ago. It didn't hurt when I got it done it just felt like a pinch. It does feel a little weird in your mouth at first but it get's a lot better when the swelling starts to go down. For me it wasn't hard to talk o the first day because it wasn't swelled yet.. but the 2nd 3rd and 4th day it was a little painful to say certain words. It took mine about a week until I was able to eat normally again without it hurting.You might not even get that much swelling so that would be awsome if you didn't. You can't taste the metal in your mouth at all... personally I think it woul;d be better to stay away from salty food just to be on the safe side. And uhmm criticism.. mm not really a lot of people know about mine. I know people use to think Ohhh what are you using that for... obviosuly they though for sexual reasons. But for me it's NOT like that AT ALL :P I find it's a awsome looking piercing. It's one of my favourite out of my ears nose and belly button. Go for it.. don't worry about what oher people have to say. :)
Hope that helps you, take caree :D
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