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Tongue Piercing
[ 35 Answers ]
I just thoguth aobut tongue piercing and began imagining how mad it would be. Having a piece of metal in your mouth. I want to get one of these when I'm older, because its pretty easy to hide, and doesn't make you seem like a punk or anything (unlike eyebrow studs or anything. Can people tell me...
[ 18 Answers ]
Within the last year I have pierced a second hole in each of my ears 3 separate times, each time purposefully letting them heal. I have also pierced my belly button twice and let it heal as well. I make sure to sterilize everything, and I've never had any problems with infections or anything like...
Piercing license
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I live in El Cajon, CA I just was wandering how or where do I go to get a piercings license?
Tattoo/piercing training
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Hey again, I'm just asking for my boyfriend.. he wants to be a tattoo artist where can he get started? Do you go to school or get an apprentiship?? Anyone know?? I also would not mind learning how to peirce anyone got any information about this??
Pregnant W/ Naval Piercing
[ 6 Answers ]
I'm 3 1/2 months pregnant and I have my naval pierced. Some of my friends tell me that I have to take it off cause it isn't good for the pregnancy... Is this true... Please help... View more questions Search