Thanks for the response. Let me be more specific.
I was told that there were goups that "solicited" venture capitalists for a fee. Their fee was usually added on to the financing being requested. Being new to this stage of the process I do not know if they really exist - or if they do where to find them.
By "dividend" I meant "interest" so to speak being paid on the money. An example might be where an investor owns 4 shares @ $250,000 each. Would I pay a quarterly "dividend" or simple interest to them?
Also you bring up a great thought. If the plan is to repurchase the shares over time is there a period that investors are looking at - say 3-5-10 years or so?
Originally Posted by
Hello f:
The MORE you can produce for your audience, the BETTER off you'll be. YES, venture capitalists DO specialize. Do THEY solicit??? I'll bet not. I think you're going to have find them.
I'm not sure what you mean by dividend... They're probably not going to be looking for that. I'm sure they'll be looking for an appreciation in the stock price, because they're going to want probably 75% of your stock.