New Member
Oct 9, 2008, 12:08 PM
Startup money for dog wash
I understand that the new 'thing' are dog washes where the owners bring in their pets and wash them in tubs with shampoos, etc. provided by the dog wash owner. I've investigated this idea, and living in the Dallas, TX area, I think it would go over very well! The two main ingredients (dogs and money!) are certainly here! Does anyone have any ideas on how to get venture capital for me to open one of these? I've started on a business plan and have a good location in mind. Would be open to discuss this further if anyone has any input. Thank you!
Oct 9, 2008, 01:07 PM
Yes, present your business plan to your bank (but oweing to the problems with financial institutions down your way don't know about funding). Maybe not a good time to do this.
But you need more then tubs and shampoos, you need hair dryers, conditioners and investigate the equipment in some other business of this type to see just what you need because all this will have to be in your business plan, such as inventory.
New Member
Oct 9, 2008, 01:31 PM
I was just using the tubs and shampoo, etc. for a basic description of the business. I have checked into all of the equipment I'll need, capital equipment like tubs, ramps, dryers, sprayers, etc. and the disposables, such as shampoos, conditioners, basic grooming supplies, towels, etc.
In my business plan I have divided the capital equipment from the disposables to show depreciation and potential appreciation of the business in a five year time frame.. basic business plan stuff.
It will take some time for the banks and other financial institutions to calm down for start-up loans, so that's why I'm looking for venture capital at this point. Should have the business plan complete within the next week or so and then will be able to present it.
Thanks for your input! Any help is appreciated!
Junior Member
Apr 18, 2009, 05:41 AM
this sounds like a sole trader venture, the only way you can get money is self investement,
you may need a loan, keep costs to a minium spend a lot of flyers and marketing, to advervise first.
got to the bank, for a loan, with a projected costs and projected cash flow in your business plan,
I think with is a big amount of cash at the start, but then it can make pure profit down the road.
how about charge in bulk prices, like not single washes, but 1 wash=$5
but 10 washes= $30 this will increase sales costs at the start, and generate money return before interest kills you on your loan.
hope that helps
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