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AIDS - first reaction
[ 4 Answers ]
What is the first reaction when somebody finds out they are HIV+? Do they go through any counseling? Do they start taking medicine right away or do they wait until they start having some symptoms? Are the partners (expartners) contacted and notified of the problem they might have?
Balancing a reaction
[ 1 Answers ]
I am having trouble balancing this reaction. Any ideas... or can anyone figure it out? :confused: KIO3 + NaHSO3 --> I2 + Na2SO4 + H2SO4 + K2SO4 + H20 I have actually never been taught the half reaction way to balance... but that's awesome, thank you so much!
Allergic reaction
[ 2 Answers ]
Our dachsund got his distemper and rabies shot yeasturday. They said he may have a alergic reation and he is getting lumps that are coming and going throughout his head area. His ears are red on the inside too. Please advise, thank you
Rabie Shot reaction?
[ 2 Answers ]
I had my two 4 month old doxies in to the vets today for there 2nd kennel cough shot and their first rabie shot. Since we have gotten home both pups are yelping each time we pick them up, and they have been shaking for 2 hours. Is this normal after these shots, or are they having a reaction, I'm... View more questions Search