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    Chenggyboy's Avatar
    Chenggyboy Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 10, 2007, 09:29 AM
    Shooting power and technique
    I have 2 questions.

    1. How can I get more power for my shots. My comfort range is right about the free throw line. For free throws it feels like I have to use all my power from my legs and arms just to get it to not hit the rim and swoosh. I shoot close to how players shoot in the nba. I bring it up above my head before I shoot, I don't do what a lot of 8th graders (I'm in 8th grade) do which is release right below the top of their head. That is the reason I don't have enough power. I make more shots within my range that way but I don't have enough power to CONSISTENTLY make three pointers and most of the time I am not shooting the way I do at a closer range. What workout regimen can I do with just some dumbells for my arms and what can I do for my legs?

    2. I aim with my left eye so it feels like I have to turn my body to have my right arm (my shooting arm) tucked in. I have to shoot like how wade shoots his free throw and have my toes pointed to the left. Is this normal and should I change it? If I try to square up and have both my body and toes toward the basket I can never completely tuck my elbow in without it feeling uncomfortable.
    carolinagirl_kelsey's Avatar
    carolinagirl_kelsey Posts: 9, Reputation: 2
    New Member

    Apr 25, 2007, 06:14 PM
    I am an athlete who takes weight training very seriously.

    1. To harness more power for your shots, you must consider the physiology behind your shots. When you shoot, you do so by bending at the knees, rising to a jump, extending your arm, and following through.

    To work on power through leg strength: Squatting will help improve the forward hip motion. Make sure when you squat that your feet are shoulder width, slightly pointing outward, and squat down low in between your legs. Keep your back straight and your eyes forward. Dynamic, olympic lifting such as power cleaning, hang cleaning, and push pressing will help dramatically. I would describe the technique, but they are difficult to master even in person. I suggest going to a local gym, YMCA, or high school and asking for a demo on these lifts. They will also help your speed, strength and vertical which are crucial to become a successful basketball player.

    To work on arm strength: I would suggest doing tricep work outs to improve arm power through the shot. The tricep is the muscle on the back of the arm directly opposite the biceps. You can do this by using the dumbbells, cocking your elbows back to your ears with your hands behind your head and lifting the dumbbells to the sky.

    For any other elaboration, just ask.

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