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    hgardiner's Avatar
    hgardiner Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 3, 2015, 06:41 PM
    Veterans administration loans?
    Is a convicted felon eligible for a Veterans Administraton home mortgage?
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
    current pert

    Dec 4, 2015, 04:45 AM
    I think you would be. The factors are mostly about credit and income history. Is something stopping you from applying? A fee? They also have to approve each specific house's price by doing an appraisal, as any lender does.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Dec 4, 2015, 08:31 AM
    I think there are some rules for specific drug convictions, but in general yes, The loans are better and you should try, at the worst, they turn the loan down.

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