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Statutory rape in ontario Canada
[ 4 Answers ]
I have a 16 yr old daughter that had sex with an 18yr old male adult & is now pregnant! She has a lot of "mental" issues ei: personality disorders, OCD,ADHD, depression & an eating disorder. Is this even allowed by law?
Statute of limitations ontario canada
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If statute of limitations has run out and I am not bound to a loan any longer does that effect my credit? Would I be able to buy a home under my name.
Statutory Rape in Ontario, Canada
[ 1 Answers ]
If a person age of 18 who resides with parents that are fostering a young person (14-year-old), can (18-year-old) have sexual intercourse with the (14-year-old) who is in care.
Is there a statute of limitations on debts in Manitoba Canada
[ 3 Answers ]
Hello I have for many years now, creditors coming at me from all sides, for debts I incurred many years ago, as well as debts in my name that I never incurred, is there any way oout of this, is there a statute of limitations on debts?
What is the Statute of limitations in Ontario, Canada?
[ 1 Answers ]
What is the Statute of limitations in Ontario, Canada when a lawyer makes an error in a Real Estate transaction which causes their client to lose money? When I purchased a piece of property back in the 1974’s, the electric, the hydro power and water required an easement to go through another... View more questions Search