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Debt Collection
[ 1 Answers ]
I am being asked to pay a debt that is 15 years old. In 1992 I supposedly asked for assistance from social assistance to get money while awaiting for unemployment insurance. I have received a letter form social assistance asking for over 3000.00 dollars. I spoke to the woman who sent me the letter...
Debt collection
[ 3 Answers ]
Wondering if there was a time limit a business can collect on a debt. I received a bill from and urgent care facility from jan. 3, 2005. All this time thought insurance pd it. Now we don't even have the same insurance company they said it cannot be sent to secondary because primary did not respond...
Statutes of limitation
[ 7 Answers ]
Just wondering, I live in ontario, and recently after close to a decade a financial institution has sent a collection agency after me for a debt I paid a close to a decade ago. Its not for a lot of money, but I feel I should not pay anything. Now the collection has a law firm after me saying they...
Debt collection
[ 7 Answers ]
Does any one know if I'm responsible for my 20 year old sons dentist bill if he no longer lives with me but I had insurance on him till he quit school?Can a debt collector go after me? Because that what's happening but I don't think I should be responsible for my dead beat son any help? Thanks!
Collection Agency-Sttatue of limitation to collect deb
[ 13 Answers ]
I have been contacted by Nordon Collections on a debt from May 2003 In which they advise I owe $9,467.00 due to a car loan after they sold The vehicle on a repo they advised I owe this amount and will take Me to Superior court If I don't pay it today and garnishee my wages. I advised them I do... View more questions Search