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My mom's hospital bill
[ 4 Answers ]
My mom was sent to a hospital because of an accident and she died. I now get a hospital bill in her name. My friend told me that I am not responsible for it. But I don't know if it's true or not. I couldn't find anything online about this. Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks.
Assuming responsibility
[ 6 Answers ]
HI! After have read quite a few entries on different topics here, I decided that we could all benefit a debate about responsibility- ONE of the important keys to healthy relationships. I decided to open it today, after one of Wildcat's inputs, where she assumed relationships concerning one of...
Is it my responsibility?
[ 3 Answers ]
I have rented an apartment in GA. My lease ends in March 2006. However, I need to move out because I got a job in another state. I gave them 60days written notice which is required. I went to apartment office to return keys on 28, Jan 2006. They said they will do moving-out inspection on next day,...
Buying a car on low income with low responsibility
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I am a student. The car that my parents bought for me doesn't run anymore. I want to buy a new car. My parents have bad credit. My grandparents pay for my schooling, but they will not buy me a car. I only make $5000 to $7500 a year. I have no real financial responsibilities. All of my income is...
Taking responsibility for your own actions
[ 2 Answers ]
:'( Well me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 months. We had known each other for awhile before we started dating. We love ech other very much but now it's like daniel tries so hard to make me happy that he tells me what I want to hear instead of what's on his heart. When I... View more questions Search