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How far will a notarized letter go stating financial help?
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Just about a month ago I moved in with my boyfriend in an apartment, they did not want to put him on the lease because of his felony but they agreed to let him live there as a tenant, therefore he signed a notarized letter saying he would be providing me with 700 a month for cost of living at these...
I received 1099-Misc stating I have received payment of $2,000 in 2010.
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I received form 1099-Misc stating that I have received $2,000 in wages or compensation in 2010. I am not self-employed; have not provided wages individually and am confused about the receipt of this form. How do I find out who reported that they paid me $2,000 for services and how do I correct...
MIF Deficiency Judgment
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Does anyone know what the statute of limitations on a MIF Deficiency Judgment is in Canada, or if it is regulated by province, Aberta? :confused: Thank You
I am 30 just received a notice stating that I am partially disabled.
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I have been living with my uncle since I became disabled from a car accident. He wants me to pay money to live there but I don't have it. I do my best and I borrow money from friends to make ends meet. Now I owe friends. I do have about 1,500 dollar in a account. I want to save it for a rainy... View more questions Search