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What if I can no longer pay Restitution in a criminal case
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I went to jail and served my time, so do I go back to jail if I can no longer afford to pay Restitution. This was a white collar criminal crime.
Paying restitution
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Where would I go on the computer to look up how much and where I pay my restitution?
Business school that no longer exists
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I went to Manfield Business School back in the early 90's, and it closed IRS doors, how do I get transcript from that school, where would I begin to look? I am in San Antmio Texas as was this school that closed .
Can I be sued again from an insurance company after paying my restitution
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I was involved in the motorcycle accident in September of 2010, I was ordered to pay restitution so I did, now I received a letter saying that I'm being sued from the insurance company for 10,000 dollars and I need to respond within 30 days. I'm just wondering if they can possibly do that And...
Paying restitution
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I just found out that my ex-husband has received five years probation and must pay 350,000 dollars for restitution for a crime he committed. How does paying restitution work? Especially when he has a menial job and can't even hardly afford to pay me child support? Would I loose my child... View more questions Search