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Making extra money on the side.
[ 7 Answers ]
I'm not sure if this is the right place, mods please move if it isn't. I'm taking a 6 month leave of absence from work in November 2010, as I am moving to Arizona for that timeperiod to be with my significant other and begin the process of bringing him here to live (whole other, complicated...
Making extra cash at home, any ideas ?
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I'm a stay at home mom because I want to raise my kids myself. At the moment I'm short of cash and need any ideas on how to make extra money, not a lot of money just to cover the basics from day to day. Also a friend of mine is very succesfull in selling perfume which she buys straight from the...
Extra principle mortgage payments
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Do extra principle mortgage payments decrease the interest paid on the original loan, or do they simple decrease the number of payments made. I have a 15 year mortgage with 13 years left, and wonder about refinancing with a lower rate or just paying extra principle.
Extra Payments on Mortgage
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Which Banks let you make extra payments on your mortgage with out charging a fee?
Making extra backups
[ 3 Answers ]
I found a website which explains how to make extra registry backups. A tool for retrieving these backups is included. It's a zipped batch file, with instructions which simply say to unzip it to the root directory. That's where I get confused. What part of the root directory does it go to? I... View more questions Search