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California Bank Levy Joint Bank Account
[ 8 Answers ]
My wife was issued a judgement prior to our marriage in Aug 2002. She ignored the original judgement letter being young and carefree and never went to court or tried to appeal. In Oct 2008 a bank levy removed $3,500 from our joint bank account. All of the deposits in this account were made by my...
Bank Account Levy, joint account
[ 1 Answers ]
Today, a levy was placed on the joint account of myself and my wife, for a debt she had from a credit card company. Once I found out, I called her and had her call the lawyer, who then told her to dispute it, she would have to send a certified letter to the court, as well as the plaintiff, as to...
Bank Account Levy
[ 2 Answers ]
My husband has a judgement against him with a credit card company and they have put a levy on our checking account and took all of the funds we had available! Can they do this or is this suppose to work like a garnishment where they can only take up to a certain amount? Thanks !
Bank account levy
[ 5 Answers ]
We live in Missouri. My husband has had a levy placed upon our bank account from a repo from several years ago. What will happen to the account? This account is seldom used, but if this is what they want to do, then should I start making monthly deposits in it? How much are they entitled to?... View more questions Search