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How to settle wage garnishment in Fulton county GA
[ 3 Answers ]
Hello - there is a wage garnishment currently in place against me through Fulton county magistrate court in GA. Can I pay the balance through the court to stop the garnishments? Thanks in advance for all help!
Wage Garnishment from Humboldt traffic ticket/how to stop it
[ 2 Answers ]
Hello All: In 2001 I received a ticket for driving w/o a license, no insurance and driving an unregistered vehicle. After several months the Humboldt County Court began to garnish my wages until the fine was completely paid. Thank God. Since everything was taken care of I was cleared to get my...
Wrongful garnishment in fulton county ga
[ 6 Answers ]
I found out today that I have a regular garnishment from the State court of fulton county. This garnishment is based on a FIFA that was filed in 2005. The FIFA was given because the court gave a default judgment against me. They gave a default judgment against me because the court says it never...
Fulton County-Garnishment
[ 6 Answers ]
I have paid 10K in 10months for a garnishment, I only owe $1400. I want to pay it out but Fulton county has been holding $6K in an escrow account since Feb only forwarding $3600 to the creditor. If I pay it owe they will continue to garnish my check, how do I stop the garnishment because even...
Garnishment in a different county
[ 1 Answers ]
I owe back sales taxes in Georgia from a previous business that closed 12+yrs ago. I live in one county where the state filed the levy looking for bank accounts. They recently filed a garnishment in the same county that I live against my employer. The problem is that my employer is in another... View more questions Search