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    island69's Avatar
    island69 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 7, 2015, 12:43 PM
    Garnishment from collectors on debts to the government.
    I am in a situation with NCO and StarCard. Well last year my taxes were off set for $1500 and was told that I owed $4200 on my Star. So with the $1500 I should only owe $2700. Well my wages have been garnished for about 8 months at 15% a paycheck. According to NCO Star is still allowed to add finance charges at 18%. About 2 months ago I asked them for a statement of all payments and charges and I am still waiting on it. BTW when I called to ask for a statement I was told I still owed $2000... They have already garnished $1600... HELP
    ScottGem's Avatar
    ScottGem Posts: 64,966, Reputation: 6056
    Computer Expert and Renaissance Man

    Jan 7, 2015, 02:08 PM
    OK, so it appears that StarCard is some sort of credit card and that NCO is a collection agency, that was charged with collecting the debt. Not sure why this is government debt.

    At some point a judgment was obtained against you for these debts. That judgment would have specified whether interest can still accrue.

    So I'm not sure what help you are looking for. This is apparently your debt and you reneged on it forcing the creditor to seek legal means to collect it. What I would suggest is that you get an amortization schedule template for a spreadsheet and plug in the balance, interest rate and payment amount. This should then calculate your current balnace and how long it will take you to pay it off.

    You should push NCO for an accounting as well.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 7, 2015, 04:59 PM
    Just for public reference.

    AAFES Military Star Card and Rewards MasterCard Review

    The AAFES Military Star Card (login required) is offered through the Exchange Credit Program, part of the Exchange, NEX, MCX, and Coast Guard Exchange brand of services offered on most military installations.
    The Military Star Card has two main products: the Military Star Rewards MasterCard, offered by Chase Bank, and the regular Military Star Card.
    How to Discharge Military Star Card Debt | Tuscon Debt Relief Attorney

    Please review the case summaries at the end of this article.

    10 tips for dealing with debt collectors, collection
    The best advice is to avoid debt collectors altogether. If you see trouble coming with debt, try to negotiate with the original creditor and work out a reasonable payment arrangement before the debt is sold to a third-party debt collector.
    There are some good tips that follow this quote, the main one being a debt LAWYER.

    The best advice is to avoid debt collectors altogether. If you see trouble coming with debt, try to negotiate with the original creditor and work out a reasonable payment arrangement before the debt is sold to a third-party debt collector.

    All communication should be in writing. Sending everything in writing provides you with documentation that you may need later on if you decide to report the collection agency. Insist, in writing, that the collection agency only deal with you in writing as well.
    Check the statute of limitation in your province or state, some debts have a certain time limit, after which the debt is no longer collectible. There can be no legal action taken against you after this time. Make sure you know the statue of limitation before you pay, because making a payment causes the statute of limitations to restart. This is why sometimes the agent may tell you to make a small payment to avoid “further proceedings”.
    Negotiate with the collection agency; they can always reduce the amount owed sometimes by as much as 70% or more. Some may also allow you to make a payment plan to pay off the debt. Do this in writing and keep all your receipts.
    Do not admit to debt you are not sure about, ask the collection agency to prove the debt and their right to collect. They have 30 days after the receipt to prove this. Again make sure it's in writing.
    You may ask the collection agency to cease communication. They will only be able to contact you to let you know that they are not pursuing your debt any more or that you are subject to legal action. Make sure you do this in writing.
    I wish you luck because you are going to need it and above all do your due dilligience by keep track of your own finances.

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