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Civil judgement by credit card company
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What exactly is a civil judgement and what can happen with it?
I have had an old credit card debt judgement filed against me.
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I received a business card on my door one day from someone from the sheriffs department. I called the number on the card and was told that I was being served papers from a credit card company or something and being sued. So, he asked if I was home and he could stop back by to serve and I wasn't...
Judgement Filed on Credit Card
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Had a credit card that was charged off by the company three years ago. Never heard from them. Lawyer firm contacted me, harassed me, and then I demanded everything in writing. They sent all documentation. I then came to an agreement of the amount owed. Problem they were not going to tell me how my...
Judgement filed by credit card company
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I was served with a summons on Oct 20 regarding a large credit card debt. I was given 30 days to respond to a PO box about this summons. I typed a letter & sent in it November. I received a letter from the collection agency yesterday stating I never responded to this summons. All I have is a... View more questions Search