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    dontknownuthin's Avatar
    dontknownuthin Posts: 2,910, Reputation: 751
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    Feb 13, 2015, 01:14 PM
    chapter 7 in Illinois

    Questions for chapter 7 in Illinois: 1) Can I include my dependent adult son (20, living with me and a full-time student, claimed on my taxes) and say that I have a two person household for purposes of the means test?; 2) I recently received a modest settlement from a car accident and used it to replace failing appliances (seriously - a 30 year old refrigerator and 45 year old stove - the refrigerator was basically just a cooler at that point and the stove didn't work at all). The stove was of a design with a double oven where the microwave would be today so I also bought a microwave. Will this purchase reflect poorly on me? 3) If I spent pretty much every dime, I could probably pay my debts but it would not leave me with enough for food and out of pocket expenses like food, gas for the car, hair cuts, cosmetics, clothing, gifts and other day to day things that come up in life. Will they likely give me a hard time over this? If I can only claim myself for the means test, I make too much for Chapter 7 for that initial test (I understand that there is further evaluation and I can potentially still qualify but I'm hoping it will be easier). If I can include my son, I would pass. 4) I am anticipating a tax refund of a couple thousand dollars. It is not enough to pay off my debt but would cover some long deferred dental work which needs to be done. I need to replace two crowns and repair several chipped teeth and have put it off for about 4 years because I didn't have the money - now one is starting to hurt and my dentist told me two years ago that the need to repair all of them was "urgent". I have dental insurance but it will only pay half. Interested in insight though, again, I am seeing an attorney in my jurisdiction.

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