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Bank Account Judgement
[ 10 Answers ]
Last week I discovered that my bank account was 0. I called my bank and they explained that I had a legal judgement against my account for debt collection. I have an appointment with an attorney later this week but cannot cash my paycheck at my bank as they will force deposit it into my account to...
Bank Account Seizure
[ 14 Answers ]
I was married less than a year ago. Up to this point I have had a bank account for 13 years, no problems and no outstanding debt. But my new husband has a debt that is unresolved and now creditors/collectors has put a freeze on my bank account because I recently added his name. All of the monies...
Bank Account Garnishments
[ 5 Answers ]
My bank account was recently frozen by a company for a vehicle I co-signed for with a friend in 1999 who had insufficient credit. It was repossessed without my knowledge until much later :mad:. The car was purchased solely for my friend to use as I had a car;never drove it or rode in it. Both of...
Bank account levy
[ 5 Answers ]
We live in Missouri. My husband has had a levy placed upon our bank account from a repo from several years ago. What will happen to the account? This account is seldom used, but if this is what they want to do, then should I start making monthly deposits in it? How much are they entitled to?...
Bank Acct Freeze -garnishment
[ 0 Answers ]
Hello, I've had a garnishment placed on my bank accts from an old credit card debt, I thought had been paid. Apparently, in 2004 I was served court papers - (I think an old roommate signed for them & never gave them to me) for the court date. Anyway, I did not appear in court. I really was... View more questions Search