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Can I work at a bank
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I want to ask a question about my career,so please send me a soon reply.I got a job opportunity at hsbc bank in my country{sri lanka}.but the bank is providing credit facility with I know that interest is prohibited in ISLAM,so can I work in that bank and get salary,and when I get that...
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Asalamu alaikum I'm maajeed Mohamed from sri lanka dear sir I'm studying Accountancy diploma.lot of come banking field for my here 1of Islamic bank have they asked for experience so can I work at non Islamic bank for experience?
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Assalamualaikum. I want to ask that is it haram to do a job in Bank sector? Because the banks are based on interest business. And taking interest is Haram. And to help anyone in any haram work is also haram. So, is it haram to work in bank? Or Allah will forgive us as we are not directly related to...
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Can I still work in bank?
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Hi goodmorning guys, I am new here but I have one question. Can I still work I an hsbc call center company even if I have past due accounts in other banks like loan? I'm here in philippines, hope I can hear a response you guys as soon as possible. Thank you and God Bless View more questions Search