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    jerseybing's Avatar
    jerseybing Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 27, 2010, 05:18 PM
    Unsecured wireless network someone used my debit card
    OK... I believe I left all my id's in my truck on Saturday... we had one of the grand-kids all weekend (3 years old).. and my father-in-law is dying.. my wife is in charge of the trust.. so it is hetic all the time never mind entertaining a 3 year old :) (phone never stops)... roughly 5pm est Monday (02-22-10)... wife is returning the child and I notice my id's are not where I keep them.. only other logical place.. my truck.. not there.. called BOA.. they were nice and gave me a temp credit.. now I get this "affidavit of fraud claimant" to fill out... well.. these charges that were rung up on my account was through my unsecured network.. 'cause the girl at BOA told me the ip address matched up with mine.. now I'm wondering... should I sign this affidavit?. I don't want my wife dragged into this.. she is stressed now with her Dad dying and everything else.. the last thing she needs is getting summoned into a court.. or answering some investergators questions... BOA knocking on the door with a warrant to check our computers... ect... I'm thinking I might just "eat it"... 'cause it's really my fault for not securing my network... (we are out in the woods).. anyway.. we really don't need any kind of so-called "legal" hassle right now.. there's too much going on for a lousy 150 bucks... should I sign this thing.. or am I opening a can of worms... thanks in advance.. jerseybing [email protected]
    cdad's Avatar
    cdad Posts: 12,700, Reputation: 1438
    Internet Research Expert

    Feb 27, 2010, 05:34 PM

    Did she make a purchase or not? That is the bottom line. Also what type of purchase was it and where did it go to?

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