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Hello all I have researched information on filing personal and business Ucc-1, I want to file them were they will report to all 3 credit bureaus. 1. Can someone tell me exactly how it shows up on the credit report? 2. From my research it said to file a security deed or a promissory...
Determine whether common law or UCC applies?
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If a contract involves both the sale of goods and the sale of services, how does a court determine whether common law or UCC applies?
Ucc 1-308 speeding ticket California?
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Dose this law apply in califorina. Ucc 1-308 Ron Paul I got a speeding ticket on 08-31-10 the CHP wrote 11-31-10 as violation date Can this be refused for cause in the state of califorina
What is UCC exactly?
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I owned a convenience store and upon closing March the 10th of this year, I have a few debtors who I had given credit to and also a couple of stop payment checks I need to file on small claims, was just looking up statute of limitations for Alabama.
Banking and the UCC
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Just information for you to read about banking.;) View more questions Search