Ultra Member
May 17, 2016, 01:56 PM
A tale of two banks
Here is an unusual problem. Person wired $1,000 from a bank in the U.S.A. to
Honduras bank. But it had the wrong account number for the account in Honduras.
It been three months and the Honduras bank said they never received the monies.
This person has been to the USA bank, and was told the Honduras bank never calls back.
So the person is still out the $1,000. What should she do now??
May 17, 2016, 11:02 PM
Learn a lesson that you always be sure, to have and use the correct numbers.
Why was he sending the money ?
Not the bank, but the person or company in Honduras, that was to get the money, what do they say?
The issue is, that banks merely wire money, the actual money is going from one person (or business account) to another.
If a wrong number was used, the money went to the place with that number,
Why did it, take 3 months to discover it was sent to the wrong number? Would the person waiting to receive the money not have noticed in hours or days ?
Unless there is some guarantee on service from the sending bank, and considering the sender gave the bank the wrong bank details, it sounds like they are just out 1000.
And of course, why was money being wired, and then only for 1000 (a low sum in international transfers)
current pert
May 18, 2016, 04:29 PM
The wrong bank routing number? Or individual's account number?
Assuming wrong routing number, it went to another bank. She needs to beg her bank to help her find out what bank has that number.
Someone has the money!
If it's the person's number, he needs to go to his bank and show them how close the mistake is to the right one, and see if they will contact the person who got the money.
But they don't have to give it back.
And neither bank has any way to know if this is 'legit' or not, so they don't really care, usually.
Ultra Member
May 19, 2016, 03:23 AM
You hit the nail on the head. Both persons the sender and the receiver have been to their respective banks numerous times USA and Honduras. Of course the USA person has all the transmittal documents. One bank said they sent it. The other bank said they never received it.
Computer Expert and Renaissance Man
May 19, 2016, 04:58 AM
First, whose mistake was it? Did the sender give the correct info to the sending bank?
Second, if the sending bank never received an acknowledgement of receipt, then they still have access to the funds. If they did receive an acknowledgement, they know where it went.
Ultra Member
May 19, 2016, 05:19 AM
A relative in Honduras gave her sister in Ca the wrong account number.
I don't know much about the Honduras banking system procedures
It is rational to believe an acknowledgment should have been issued. .
Computer Expert and Renaissance Man
May 19, 2016, 05:54 AM
Ok, so here is how I see the situation. The sender gave the bank incorrect info. The sending bank did their job based on the info provided. They have probably received an acknowledgement based on the incorrect info. So the money is in the incorrect account number. So the question now is whether the number given is a valid number. I'm guessing it was otherwise Honduras would have bounced it back.
Now here is the problem. It would appear that both banks acted properly based on the info given. So now it is up to the sender and receiver to prove to Honduras, that the info was incorrect and that the funds deposited do not belong to the account holder who received them. In a perfect world that person should have reported the unknown deposit. But I do not know what proofs the Honduras bank would need to move the deposit to the correct account.
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