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Form 8938 - savings account interest from foreign savings account
[ 1 Answers ]
Greetings. I already report a foreign savings account on the FBAR but I am not sure where to report interest from this account. Do I need to include this account in my form 8938 as well? What form should I use to report the interest? I am especially confused because the interest is already taxed in...
Freeze on both my savings and checking account due to Child Support
[ 6 Answers ]
I recently had a freeze put on both my savings and checking accounts due to child support. I adopted my ex-wife's children when they were 2 yrs of age and she has not allowed me to see them whatsoever since I re-located to try and find a job (being that the economy has been in such a horrid state...
Child Support Levy On My Savings Account, How Could This Happen?
[ 2 Answers ]
I woke up this morning and noticed that $3,600 was missing from my savinings account that my wife and I share. We are in the process of moving so we have been saving to do this. I have always paid and have never been late on payments. I'm sure your wondering why I have a balance to owe then. ...
If I owe how can I not have my account frozen and still pay support
[ 2 Answers ]
Thank you for your answer I realize that I have neglected my chid support payments in fact I have a good reason as to why I have not the point though my question is how can I have a bank account and they will not freeze it and I still make PAYMENTS towards my child support that way I will have my... View more questions Search