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Estate settlement/purchased from estate vs inherited
[ 9 Answers ]
My mother recently passed away. I live in New York state and I have three siblings. My mother left us some cash and an automobile. I am taking the automobile and my siblings are dividing up the cash. The amount of cash each sibling will receive is approximately equal to the value of the automobile....
Executor of my fathers estate won't answer email questions regarding the estate Help
[ 4 Answers ]
The executor of the estate will not return my email questions regarding the estate. Can I contact an attorney? I have sent 5 emails requesting information regarding the timeshare I am suppose to get. I told her if it was appraised too high I did not want. That was 4 months ago. Now she just ignores...
"Reaonable" administrator fee - mother's estate Maine Estate Recovery
[ 3 Answers ]
RE: State of Maine Recovery Act for Medicaid I have been told by the State of Maine, that they allow the administrator of the estate to receive a 'reasonable' fee for estate administration. I am the administrator. My mother received medical benefits from the State, and under their Recovery...
Problems with Executor of Estate not signing sales contract for real estate
[ 4 Answers ]
My sister and I are the beneficiaries of our mothers will. She died when I was 17 and left my sister and I half of her estate, and named her doctor as the executor. I am now 22 and my sister is 20 (21 next month). We all agreed (verbally) to sell the family house to our father for $125k. He... View more questions Search