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Complex Tarot Card Probability. Drawing 80 cards w/o 22 trump cards being consecutive
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My Nephew is into Tarot Cards. I am teaching him math. He asked me a question I have no idea how to answer. A new deck has 80 Cards in it, including 2 non-use cards. If we draw all 80 cards in a random order 1-80, what are the chance that we will not get any consecutive trump cards, of which there...
A set of 20 cards consists of 12 red cards and 8 black cards.
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A set of 20 cards consists of 12 red cards and 8 black cards. The cards are shuffled thoroughly and you choose one at random, observe its color, and replace it in the set. The cards are thoroughly reshuffled, and you again choose a card at random, observe its color, and replace it in the set. ...
Probability of getting an ace from 50 cards if 2 cards are randomly removed from 52
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From a pack of 52 cards 2 cards are randomly removed. Then what is the probability of getting an ace from remaining 50 cards?
Debit cards
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Hi all I was just wondering if it is better to use a debit card when paying bills or would it be better to write a check, I always pay my monthly bills by check but I have heard so much about debit cards I was just wondering I have two accounts one for spending and one for paying bills ...
Garnishing of credit or debit cards
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If a judgement is filed against you can they garnish pre paid debit cards or credit cards? View more questions Search