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Old stock certificate
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I have a old stock certificate from American General Corporation for 10 shares from 1936. I found it in a book that someone bought for me at a garage sale about 18years ago, and while cleaning came across it recently. I know very little about this subject, I am not even't sure if this is worth...
Certificate of deposit
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Hi I was wanting to know about 5yrs ago my dad paid my child support I was 16 and my mom gave the check to my uncle and he put the check into a cd for 5yrs and we don't know what bank he put it in and recently he had stroke and his memory is not good at all he doesn't remember much so I just turn...
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Certificate of Deposit ownership
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Birth Certificate
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My son has had his new born baby ever since she was 1 week old and now she is 6 months and he wants his name on her birth certificate how does he go about doing this with out child support? View more questions Search