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Accessing bank account of deceased mother
[ 1 Answers ]
My mother passed away and I have her debit cards and online passwords. Will I get in trouble for withdrawing her money. I am her only child but she didn't have a will. I have contacted probate attorneys but they want $1500 - $3000 to help me and I can't afford that.
Can a 501c (3) strictly provide resource information to the public?
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Does a 501c (3) have to fundraise or receive donations and grant money to be tax exempt?
Should we provide more information?
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My wife is listed as a creditor in her ex-husband's bankruptcy (chapter 7) so we got a copy of the document to verify her interests. In going through the document there appears to be quite a few things that were not declared or misrepresented - however it is beyond our ability to prove it. Is it...
Law firm not being able to provide additional information on who the CC Company is.
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Hello- I need some assistance with this. I received a call from a law firm, stating I owe money on CC. I asked how much I owe, and from who it was. All they gave me was the dollar amount but couldn't be specific on the CC, all she told me it was from Visa. This was Saturday that I received...
Debt buyer refuses to provide information
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I am being sued by a debt buyer who claims they have bought a loan they say I defaulted on. I filed a motion to dismiss but the debt buyer's attorney has filed a motion to strike my dismissal stating that; "As a matter of law may not question either the validity of the loan assignment or the... View more questions Search