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12 volt DC shock
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I just have a question I'm having trouble finding an answer to, and really its just because I'm curious. Why is it that a 12 volt battery, that say is capable of something like 240 amps, not be as dangerous as 120 volts AC at say 15 amps? The wattage is higher in the case of the battery. Somewhere...
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I was with my boyfriend for over 5yrs, lately he had been very distant to the point of ignoring me. This has happened in the past when we have problems in our relationship so I knew something was wrong. This time was a little different because he treated me very different almost like he didn't want...
Are my goldfish's in shock?
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Hello, My cat recently bought home 2 goldfishes and left them in the garden I am not sure where they were from but most probably a neighbours pond... I managed to get them in water and they seemed to be swimming around fine and didn't look hurt in any way. I left the in a fish tank I had over... View more questions Search