New Member
Sep 21, 2006, 11:04 AM
Super Stall
Is super stall the same as deep stall
New Member
Nov 25, 2006, 04:28 PM
 Originally Posted by antonotty
is super stall the same as deep stall
There is really no such term as "super stall" in aviation lingo. A stall is a stall is a stall is a stall.
When someone says an aircraft is in a deep stall, they are saying that the aircraft speed has decayed well below stall speed. As an aircraft falls "deeper" into the stall, the characteristics of how the airplane reacts to the stall can change. Every airplane design reacts differently to a stall.
New Member
Sep 12, 2007, 06:43 AM
WHAT Is super stall ?
Junior Member
Sep 24, 2007, 10:28 AM
That's right about the time when the airplane magically transforms into a large falling object.
New Member
Sep 26, 2007, 10:11 AM
 Originally Posted by Chperplt
When someone says an aircraft is in a deep stall, they are saying that the aircraft speed has decayed well below stall speed.
Technically speaking it's not speed but angle of attack. At too high an angle of attack the air passing over the top of the wing starts separating from the wing. Airstream that isn't attached to the wing doesn't generate lift. When you get to the point where lift no longer equals gravity, you go down.
The aircraft may or may not buffet. The nose may or may not "break." In fact the attitude of the aircraft might not change at all. You are just nose up and accellerating down. (A constant rate descent requires that lift = gravity).
Depending on aircraft design, distrupted air flow over the wing may also disrupt air flow over the flight controls as well.
I have flown airplanes with the needle momentarily pegged below the minimum indicated speed and still been sluggishly in control of them, however I was not stalled. Nor was I pulling a lot of G. The G force was closer to 0 than it was to 1.
On the other hand I have been on the verge of a stall at hundreds of knots. In this case the G's were closer to 7 than to one.
Junior Member
Nov 13, 2007, 08:47 PM
Stall: as defiend by me...
A stall is when the aircraft is no longer actually FLYING, it is DROPPING, so in esscense, wind isn't passing under the wings to create lift. That's when the stall warning goes off, and the airplane starts dropping, the terms you identified are more local but are not valid.
Junior Member
Nov 14, 2007, 12:25 PM
According to the FAA, a stall results when the critical AOA is exceeded.(A separation of airflow over the airfoil) An airplane can be stalled at ANY airspeed in any flight attitude.
I don't know what the hell a super stall is... maybe someone coined a new term?
Junior Member
Nov 14, 2007, 12:28 PM
[QUOTE=Mylittlesunshyne]Stall: Happiness can be found in the DARKEST of times, as long as one only remembers to turn on the lights.
By the way, My Little Sunshine, that's a terrific phrase!
New Member
Feb 11, 2010, 06:14 PM
Ok guys. A superstall is a rear engine high tail (the 727 for example) airplane which tends to suffer a marked nose up pitch after the stall and the wing wake, which has now become low energy turbulent air, passes aft and immerses the high set tail which is in just about the right position to catch it. This greatly reduces the tail effectiveness and makes it incapable of combating the nose up pitch and the airplane continues to pitch up. This pitch up just after the stall is worsened by greatly reduced lift and greatly increased drag which cause a rapidly increasing decent path, thus compounding the rate of increase of incidence. All of this equates to a deep stall with a high angle of incidence.
Read Handling the Big Jets by D.P. Davies Pg. 117-118
Full Member
Feb 11, 2010, 07:19 PM
One wonders if it is solely the high set horizontal tail surface ("T-tail"), rather than the rear engine and T-tail combined, that is the factor.
Uber Member
Feb 25, 2010, 07:52 AM
I like accelerated Stalls. Recovery is fun too.
Wonder if they are the same?
Ultra Member
Apr 3, 2010, 10:32 PM
Antonotty- AND ALL OTHERS- we need to answer this question in words
That the general pu blic can understand & what they mean ; I will say that youal have some pretty good answers, BUT if you are NOT A PILOT,
IM pretty sure that you are snowed in ( Don't UNDERSTAND ) (#1)Every aircraft has a certain stall speed, let us say that you are flying a a/c and the indicating air speed for a stall is 65 indicated air speed, so you are doing 150 , now bring the throttle(S)back towards cutoff bring nose up and close to the stall, a alarm sounds[warning]the aircraft starts to shake ; what happens next and causes this ;;the( angle of attact )the nose of the plane is nose pointed up and the higher nose the slower the plane flys and speed drops , this causes the air flow to0 start bubbling at the bottom edge and works its way up toward the nose of the wing [leading front edge ] the airflow going over the top side of the wing is disrupted, the right wing is useally the first wing to stall[loose lift]the aircraft is in a stall and has no lift ,it drops , some times it drops in a flat spin and sometimes tail down and you have to pull throttle(s) back and pust the youk all the forward to nose down [in the airforce, we were allowed a -one and onehalf spin turns before recoveryto pass flight check ] you just hope and pray that there is plenty of room between you and the ground;;[ PS]after you are nose down you pull the stick or youkall the way back towards you [trying to put it in your shirt pocket ] recovery will be following. Just as soon as the nose starts to rise , slowly ease off on the pull back on the stick;; what is known as a top rudder spin [caused from a stall ] is the worst and is the hardest to recover from ; I first learned to fly back in the early 50's I have flown several different small single engine aircraft and light twin engine and while USAF; the [C-123;,C-130,;AND then the B-47 JET BOMBER ( SIX ENGINE JET) AND I NOW carry a [ASMELII] pilots license:: I HOPE that this is more understood to what a {stall and spin is and what causes it] ALL you others did do a good job though:: HAVE A GREAT AND SAFF EASTER :AND KEEP HER BETWEEN THE CLOUDS- UNLESS YOU ARE WANTING TO HIDE:HA HA;;
BLUE EAGLE 1 out ;; F.B.E.
Junior Member
Aug 30, 2010, 11:48 AM
 Originally Posted by Mylittlesunshyne
Stall: as defiend by me...
A stall is when the aircraft is no longer actually FLYING, it is DROPPING, so in esscense, wind isn't passing under the wings to create lift. That's when the stall warning goes off, and the airplane starts dropping, the terms you identified are more local but are not valid.
Since this whole thread is getting "technical"... then technically the stall occurs because wind is no longer passing OVER the wings to create lift. Once the critical angle of attack is surpassed, the airflow breaks over the wing. Wind is still flowing under it at this point...
New Member
Oct 18, 2010, 11:07 AM
At last. I was hoping someone would step up give the correct answer. Watch out for those T-tails!
The various terms I've seen used are "stable stall" deep stall" and "super stall" (the last was reported by the pilot in the Felthorpe Trident crash). They all mean the same thing. Escaping from one requires a steep bank, which at slow speeds can lead to a spin of course. Not a happy prospect.
Uber Member
Oct 18, 2010, 01:41 PM
I think nose down, not a steep bank is what's needed.
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