Ebaines- I sure messed up there a little bit ;I was having a senior momment
THE reason I brought this out was to maybe get a lot of others[mostly pilots}
WHY- well back in the 70'sI carried a couple up to detroit for the mans fathers furnal, then the next morning we were takeing off from the main airport and I had done everything to the "T" I was climbing out as requested by controlers and the controler came to me and instructed me to turn to [sorry I don't remember the heading he told me ]and cont. climb outwell now the argument between me and the controler started , I told hime if I done as he told me that {I WOULD PULLING RIGHT IN FRONT OF A JET LINER,HE SAID YOU WILL DO AS REQUESTED< WELL I KEPT ON MY CORSE AND TOLD HIM THAT JUST AS LONG AS I WAS{ PIC} THAT I HAD LAST SAY AND THAT HE HAD BETTER CHECK HIS RADAR SCOPE A LITTLE CLOSER: I KNEW THE BOOK LIKE THE BACK OF MY HAND <AND I KNEW THAT I WAS RIGHT : BUT I thought that when I got the people back to MEMPHIS TN> that they would probably be waiting for me , the feds. Well you know what I NEVER HEARD A THING ON IT <BUT I WOULD BET MY BOTTOM DOLLAR THAT THE CONTROLER DID : EVERY THING YOU SAY AND DO IS ALL RECORED AND THE FEDS CHECK IT QUITE OFTEN :: THIS THING JUST BROUGHT BACK SOME OLD HAPPINGS: OH I DID REPORT THE CLOSE MISS< {I TOLD THEM THAT I COULD ALMOST READ THE AIRLINE PILOTS NAME TAG: I DO KNOW THAT IT WAS TO CLOSE FOR CONFORT AND I WAS IN A CESSNA 421Well I'm going to close for now ,YOUAL have a great night and GOD BLESS:: F.B.E. {BLUE EAGLE 1 OUT)