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Fighter jet escorts for civilian aircraft
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Would someone explain to me the reasoning behind sending not one but two multi-million dollar aircraft with great operating expense to babysit passenger jets with unruly passengers? What the heck are they going to do that couldn't be done once and if the jet deviated from flightplan?
Length of time to sue
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I own a car rental company and have a few people in collections. I was wondering if there was a time for when I can take someone to small claims court. I have outstanding invoices from 2 years ago and have no idea the amount of time I have to take someone to court. I am in the Peel region and...
Separation time length?
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I live in Oklahoma and my husband plans on filing for divorce and I have been told that you have to be legally separated for 6 months before filing. Is this true? I do know however you have to be divorced 6 months to get remarried to another person.
Length of time for a right of way to exist
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I have a lot that had a right of way from 40 years ago. It has never been used for anything. Can the city now come in and have rights, after 40 years? View more questions Search