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Okinawa Bank Incident 1964/1965
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In late 1964 or the first half of 1965 there was an incident involving the transfer of several hundred thousand US Dollars in cash between 2 banks on the island of Okinawa. The money was being transported by truck in I believe a canvas bag accompanied by bank employees. Upon arrival at the Bank...
Civil rights act of 1964
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What year did the civil rights act of 1964 happen?
Passenger Ship Records from the 1800s
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Hello! I'm hoping there is someone out there that can help or at least point me in the right direction. My great, great grandfather came to the Americas from France and I would like to know if there is a way to research the old ship logs. I know many companies kept their ancient logs ;) and...
Cruise Ship Job
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In trying to obtain a Cruise Ship job I was asked to obtain the seamans or seafarers Discharge Book. Could you define what this book is and how do I go about trying to obtain one so that I can get this job.
1964 Tub Replacement
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I have purchased a Swanstone Retrofit shower base. I did the measurements from the original tub drain to the wall and thought everything was going to line up. Little did I know that the drain was actually much closer to the wall studs and that it T'd to go under the tub drain. The shower base... View more questions Search