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    Apok420 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 19, 2018, 04:04 PM
    Wireless mouse connector can it function for something else?
    Good day Hope you are having a wonderful day. Not too long ago, I acquired an HP desktop computer, fully equipped, I got lucky I guess. It so happens that I had this neighbor who was very generous with me and this neighbor used to hook me up with so many things. As it turns out one of those things is a wireless mouse that is shaped like a car a Mercedez Benz to be exact. Before she gave me this mouse/car, she also had given me a wireless mouse . Unfortunately I had an acquaintance come over to my place, I allowed this person to use my desktop but this person was so careless that broke my mouse. The mouse stopped working so I threw the mouse away but kept the piece that plugs into the computer. My question is as follows, Can somehow reprogram this device to work for something else? If it can be done please let me know I would greatly appreciate it
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