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Kenmore Washing Machine won't spin
[ 4 Answers ]
Hello - I have a Kenmore 70 series Washing Machine that stopped spinning today. I can hear the motor whirring and all the other features still work - just no spin. I have tried the spin cycle on all the diff "levels" (delicate etc) and still no spin. Got a load of wet clothes in there though :p...
Washing machine drain overflow
[ 17 Answers ]
When the washing machine drains, the drain pipe overflows even after I successfully flushed the drain line with a bladder and power hose. I also flushed the vent system, but there is still overflow. What now coach?:confused:
Kenmore Elite Catalyst Washing Machine doesn't spin
[ 32 Answers ]
I'm not sure if I have the correct model number. Nothing on back of washer. Under lid: SM 9710768-C. This is a Kenmore Elite Catalyst heavy duty, top load, king size capacity, ultra quiet pak, 3 speed motor with 6 speed combinations washing machine. I've tried both spin speeds, but neither work....
Replace toilet drain with washing machine drain
[ 1 Answers ]
I need to know how I would go about taking a toilet drain and turning it into a drain for a washing machine.
Washing Machine Won't Spin
[ 4 Answers ]
I have a washing machine that won’t spin on its own. I bought a front loader from Sears, says Kenmore but believe it is a Frigidaire, Model #417.41042000. When machine is in the agitate cycle, the motor will not run unless I physically help it. When it starts it only goes for about 8 seconds... View more questions Search