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    r4fan's Avatar
    r4fan Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 17, 2006, 08:28 AM
    Washing machine leak - What kind of glue?
    My washer has a leak that I'm trying to fix. Underneath, there is a large black rubber hose that is connected to the pipe that the dirty water comes out of. The other end is connected to a metal piece with a smooth hole, that looks like the bottom view of a kitchen sink. This rubber hose has a flange on it, that locks into the metal hole. There were traces of glue on the rubber tube and the metal hole, which provided a waterproof seal, and also held the hose in place under an unknown amount of water pressure.

    I cleaned all the parts of excess glue, and re-glued everything with RTV silicone. The silicone did not hold up under the watrer pressure and leaked immediately upon using the washer. The traces of glue that I removed semed like some sort of contact cement I am unable to identify. The glue was a beige color, and was tough to pull off. It had some elasticity, and was tough to pull apart. I'm wondering what kind of adhesive this is, if anyone is able to identify it. I don't want to try another permanent glue that might make a bigger mess than I already have. Anyone have an idea what glue is used on a part like this?
    r4fan's Avatar
    r4fan Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 17, 2006, 12:53 PM
    Well, Laundry is piling up and I had some Gorilla Glue on hand. :D Hopefully this will work. It was originally glued there permanently anyway. :rolleyes:

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