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Terminal block/strip
[ 10 Answers ]
Hi there. Sorry, this may be very simple, but I cannot find an answer online. Can someone please let me know how current is distributed on this terminal block? My wife brought back this awesome espresso machine from europe, and I am trying to understand the wiring; the power cord goes directly to...
Why use CT shorting block even there is CT test terminal already?
[ 1 Answers ]
Normally, we just use the CTT (CT test terminal) for shorting the 2nd circuit for maintenance the relay or meter. However, as like the attached circuit in number 1, sometimes we use the CT the shorting terminal block (STB-P in the drawing and attachment 2) and the CTT (CTT-P in the drawing and...
Need a maintenance manual for York Diamond 80. I need to get to the terminal block.
[ 1 Answers ]
Need a maintenance manual for York Diamond 80. I need to get to the terminal block so I can connect the C (common I suppose) of my thermostat to the c on my terminal block. Please help.
Electrical oven terminal block
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The terminal block, is where you plug in the element on top of a stove. In my case the connection, looks like a clip,that expands to receive The tip of the element. The clips have eroded after a few months. Question is What is the name of those clips/do they sell those clips in an electric...
How to hook up a new thermostat to furnace, 2 wires to a 5 block terminal?
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Wiring , furnace block View more questions Search