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Generating Electricity
[ 2 Answers ]
A farmer plans to generate all the electricity needed on her arm, using either a biogas generator or a small wind turbine. The biogas generator would burn methane gas. The methane gas would come from rotting the animal waste produced on the farm. When burnt, methane produces carbon dioxide. ...
Kenmore dryer won't heat.changed the heat element+thermal fuse.still won't heat
[ 1 Answers ]
Kenmore dryer(110.96582100) is 15 years old. Worked great until it stopped heating. Actually it started taking longer and longer to dry the clothes. But now it won't heat at all. I've changed the heating element and thermal fuse. Could it be the thermistor or high limit thermostat? Don't want...
Kenmore mod 100.63952101 stops running
[ 1 Answers ]
I have kenmore model 110.63952101 it runs for a while then shuts down like an over heat poblem, but it runs longer if I am drying jeans could it be motor or heating elment problem?
Kenmore Elite Dryer Model # 110.63952101 won't stay running
[ 3 Answers ]
I have a 3 years old Kenmore Elite Dryer (Model # 110.63952101). The dryer can be started and will heat, but shuts down after 1 to 2 monutes. It seems like a control problem. What do I need to replace? View more questions Search