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Very hot house & spoilage of unopened canned pet food-safer in fridge?
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I would appreciate your opinions, advice and experiences regarding finding out if it is safer to keep unopened cans of expensive special Cat and dog foods in the fridge? (the cans are from the Vet, for particular ailments whereby some of my pets are on certain diets to treat their health issues)...
My fridge froze all my food!
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Okay so yesterday we found out that most of the stuff in our fridge was starting to freeze. Today everything is frozen solid! I'm getting a hold of the people we have the warranty through tomorrow but that doesn't help us with the damage already done! I have to start figuring out what I have to...
How does food in the fridge cooldown?
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How does food in the fridge cooldown?
How to fix the frosting issue in my fridge(not freezer)?
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Smelly fridge - drain pan is the issue
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I've found the issue that is making my fridge STINK! A large quantity of milk has made it's way into the drian pan. The issue is that the fridge (Kenmore Bottom Mount Model 596.61862101) has a drain pan that is not accessible. I've taken off the back panel and can see the pan but you can't... View more questions Search