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Receptacle troubleshooting
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The last receptacle on the circuit has no power going to it. It is located outside, but is not a gfci. Thank you.
Refrigerator troubleshooting
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I have a 4year old kenmore side by side model #53652991 afew days ago it got warm on both sides but everything else seems to be running like the motor & the fan. My plan was to call for repair but with today's economy any penny saved is a penny cherished. I'm a handy guy but I know nuthing about ...
Generator troubleshooting
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I have a kohler 7000 watt generator that ran when I bought it. It is a lp generator. I brought it on a trip and it would not start. It won't even turn over. I bypassed the solenoid and took power right to the starter, she cranks but will not start. I tried a new solenoid and nothing again....
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I'm trying to trouble shoot an older computer I inherited. I am completely new to PCs. At any rate it has two problems that are possibly relateed. 1. The image the monitor (I have tried 2 different working monitors) has a bunch of red (sometimes grey) vertical lines across the screen which...
Second HD troubleshooting
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Ok, here's the skinny... Intstalled my girlfriend's HD (Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 80GB ATA/133 HDD) onto my computer as a 2nd HD(slave). All jumpers are set correctly, all cables are correct (not the 1st time I've done this). Everything works fine, it's detected and I do have access to it. ... View more questions Search