New Member
Mar 13, 2006, 10:24 PM
First time buyer
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what good brands of microwaves there are. I don't want to purchase one and then have it break on me a few months later.
Uber Member
Mar 14, 2006, 04:48 AM
Microwave technology is pretty good across the board. We buy lots of them for apartments, and frankly we just stick with a name brand and go with what's on sale. We've got plenty of the cheapies running after 10 years.
One tip, though, that can save you $50-$100: The bells and whistles, the zillion different setting options, etc.) will cost you. Buy based on the size you need and the features that you know you will use.
Ok, another tip: If you're going to spend more than $200 on one, I'd narrow it down to 2 or 3 then come back home and Google like this, using the model numbers:
"kenmore 4123" AND reviews
"amana 4567" AND reviews
compare AND "kenmore 4123" AND "amana 4567"
Hope this helps.
Ultra Member
Mar 14, 2006, 08:22 AM
Look at the microwave specs; usually located on the box itself. Or, look inside the door panel. I like at least a 900 watt, which is, of course, more power. It will heat faster, boil water faster, etc, than one with less wattage.
I can suggest one I use, have had it for years... a Sharp Carousel (has a turning table to sit stuff on) from Walmart or other larger department store.
New Member
Mar 14, 2006, 03:10 PM
Thanks for the help
Full Member
Mar 14, 2006, 06:33 PM
My advice is to stay away from Panasonic and some Whirlpool units. Panasonic has decided to consolidate 3 of the 4 cook circuit parts into one board. In other microwaves, the $25 capacitor or the $15 diode can be replaced by themselves. In Panasonic's "Inverter" system, there are only two parts, usually costing more than $150 to replace (EACH!). Whirlpool has even started using this technology in some of their over-the-range units. As you can tell, one failure in these units and you might as well throw it away. Not bad if you paid less than $150 for the unit to begin with, but some of these units retail for over $450. Some of my customers exhibit fairly serious opinions on the subject, but by that time, it's too late. Otherwise, it really doesn't make a whole lot of difference. Most other microwaves have all the same components in them, so you run the same risk of failure with any one of them. Good luck, and let me know if you have questions about something you find.
Ultra Member
Mar 15, 2006, 08:06 AM
HI, boredfroggy,
Love your ID name!
You are quite welcome for the help.
Please take note of the answer right before this one; it's good.
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