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Water in clothes dryer vent
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What causes water to accumulate in the clothes dryer vent leading outside?
Laundry Pump vent hookup. How? - no vent access
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I have a Laundry Tray Pump System connected to my wash tub in my fifteen year old townhome's basement. I was recently informed that it was not properly installed because I never connected the vent pipe from the pump. I had some one look at it and was told that the house's vent system (which...
Gas line & dryer vent pipe - how close is too close?
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I'm rerouting the gas dryer vent piping so that it will inside the adjoining stud wall. At the top of the wall the vertical exhaust pipe will be within an inch or two of the horizontal running copper gas supply line. Question - is there a minimum distance that the metal dryer exhaust pipe must...
Dry vent used as wet vent
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I have a basement bathroom and an upstairs bathroom... speedball1 you stated in one of your questions answered "Yes, but you must realize that once you drain the fixtures from the upstairs bath into it that it will no longer be a vent from that point down . It then becomes a stack and every... View more questions Search