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Ceiling fan remote control
[ 34 Answers ]
?? Hi I have a hampton bay sidewinder ceiling fan that came with a wall mount remote control. I wanted to have a hand held remote control, so went and purchased a remote control that came with its own receiver (hunter). I replaced the original receiver with the new receiver. The hand held...
Hampton Bay Remote Video/fan Remote Control
[ 16 Answers ]
I have a Hampton Bay Video & Fan Remote Control (Model #UR8050T). It has been working fine for about 2 years until it recently began malfunctioning. It still operates the television, but the use of the fan/light features has stopped working. It will not turn the fan on or off, and the light is...
Remote control
[ 11 Answers ]
I Have A Hampton Bays Ceiling Fan - The Remote Control Does Not Work The Fan. Can I Buy A New Remote Control And Get The Light And Fan Working Again? If I Can, How Do I Go About Ordering One. Thanks For Your Reply.
Wiring Remote Control Fan
[ 3 Answers ]
My son just bought a Hampton Bay ceiling fan that came with a remote control. He really didn't want the remote and wanted it wired with the switches on the wall. However the only way you can reverse the fan direction is with the remote so he wants to use the switches on the wall for the fan and...
How do I tune in a bush TV with remote control
[ 8 Answers ]
Please can somebody help me I carnt find my users manual for my bush TV and I want to tune in a video without doing it on scart View more questions Search