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Erasing browsing history
[ 8 Answers ]
Is there a computer whiz who can tell me if there's a log or something I can put on my computer so that even if someone deletes the history I can still access it? I've researched a little, but the amount of info is overwhelming. Will give more info if you need it, really don't know what someone...
Browsing History
[ 2 Answers ]
Is there a way to see what sites my kids have been on. The have been deleting browsing history?
Web browsing and VPN
[ 3 Answers ]
Have installed BT Voyager router 2091 for fast broadband internet access via ethernet cable. Works fine as browser, e-mail and VPN separately. I cannot browse internet while connected to VPN although I can send and receive e-mails OK although somwhat slower when connected VPN. Previously used BT...
Offline Browsing
[ 2 Answers ]
In this country loadsheding and power failure is common.During net session power fails and comuter shut down.All offline files/pages stored in internet temp folder are no longer available and deleted automatically.This case is common in WIN XP,which I am using.In win98 only current net session... View more questions Search